

GlobalView designs intuitive software that can easily be adapted to any requirement in order to improve efficiency and productivity and provide for safety and security.

Most commercial premises will have fire and intruder alarms in order to protect the property and comply with insurance requirements. Using R-LinX , a simple to install, cost effective interface solution, CSE Crosscom can create SMS, two-way radio and email alerts to notify onsite security and offsite owners, site managers etc. if there’s an issue. If the alert goes to on-site security, they can investigate immediately and, if it’s a false alarm or minor incident, this may remove the need for the emergency services attending and any associated costs.

How R-LinX works

Let’s suppose that you have a two-way radio system with 10 radios. One of the radio users who has Lone Worker as a feature on their radio hasn’t responded to Lone Worker’s pre-set request to confirm that they are OK, or a radio user has fallen down and the Man Down feature on their radio has been activated, or a radio user is in distress and has pressed their panic button – any of these actions could send an alert to any or all the other radio users on the system.
Adding in R-LinX enables the radio to communicate the alert to people outside the radio network. An alert raised by any of the radio features described above is received by R-LinX and transmitted via text to previously designated smartphones and/or email addresses, plus other radio users.

Another excellent feature of the R-LinX is a 3-stage escalation. In the scenario where the lone worker has fallen down, their radio could be programmed to raise the first alert with a teammate working nearby. When the teammate receives the alert, and confirms that they will investigate, this is a stand down message for R-LinX. However, if the teammate does not respond within a pre-set time R-LinX will escalate to the next level, for example everyone in that radio group and/or other people via mobile phones or email. Again, if this doesn’t illicit a response R-LinX will escalate to a final level, for example senior management, via radio, mobile or email. This simple system is designed to ensure a prompt response for any lone worker in distress and an incident is never missed.

If a more sophisticated solution is required, CSE Crosscom designs and supplies bespoke systems providing alerts and on-screen monitoring of radio users in both internal areas using Bluetooth and externally using GPS.

Finally, CSE Crosscom systems can also be designed to integrate with body worn cameras, which can deter aggressive behaviour and can provide video evidence if required following an incident. Body worn cameras are also available to buy, lease or for short-term hire.